5 September 2023
Ver 1.6 Uploaded. All hail horizontal alignment, makes it look SO much better. Still not quite done with assets, but almost all flavor text is filled in (including endings - don't read all of them if you haven't played through!!). Cleaned up a lot of repetitive text and streamlined the appendix system so that all resources that need to be reference throughout play are given a letter/number code.
The stats for weapons, armor, items, etc. are all still provisional and will take some degree of very friendly playtesting before they work.
Working on formatting to address alignment issues in document when converted to PDF
Note: reformatting the document and will upload one with better alingment soon...some issues going to PDF with tables and columns, methinks.
She is Your Queen is the original work of M.C. Manning and B. Falco and is to be considered under the auspices of Creative Commons 4.0
6 Aug 2023
Ver 1.1 Uploaded. Missing almost all assets (i.e. Gear, Items, Enemies) as well as Glossary.
Working on formatting to address alignment issues in document.
She is Your Queen is the original work of M.C. Manning and B. Falco and is to be considered under the auspices of Creative Commons 4.0